The Toy Box
by Jessica Amato
I am the one you’ve had your entire life
The first toy you’ve ever had
I was there in your crib from day one
I was the one you would hold tight when there was a thunderstorm
The one you brought everywhere
We took trips to the supermarket
To the park
To the zoo
I was left in the shopping cart seven times
I was also left outside the lion’s cage once
I was the one you brought to show and tell in preschool
I am the one that was with you everywhere
But I am also the one you forgot
The one you left in your toy chest
Because you grew too old for teddy bears
You got a new toy instead
You always get excited whenever it lights up and makes a sound
You never turn it off
You never leave home without it
It is always right by your side
Just like I used to be