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It's Not So Easy When It's Someone You Know


“It’s Not So Easy When It’s Someone You Know”

by Anonymous

It happened so quickly,

I didn’t know ‘til it was too late.

When I became an amusement,

rather than a priority;

when my openness was abused,

and I was a commodity.

Two years we marked that night,

but my flight left at eight,

and after we finished,

you let me lie there alone.

Playing solitaire. 

Watching the hockey scores – 


My purpose was served –

what else was I for?

It happened so quickly.

He told me you were wrong.

He made me a priority,

just not a public one…

“It’s not you,

but you know how my friends are.”

And I made excuses for him,

because I was a priority…

It was a priority…

My body was a priority,

And I just came along with it –

Like a happy meal toy.

It happened so quickly.

My reason kicked in too late.

And though it would be right

to use the “R” word,

I can’t assign him that fate.

I mean – I could…

But I won’t. 

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