It's Been a Day
By Jonas Ruiz
It's been a day, at least 24 hours since I have taken my last antidepressant
About three days since Ive had an uninterrupted night without waking in cold sweats
One week, an entire week has past since I’ve talked so my so called friends
And it has been two since I have opened up or felt connected to anyone to begin with
One long month since I’ve had my last trip and I'll tell you even if it might be killing my brain, I see that as a better alternative to how I'm feeling now
About three months have past since I’ve looked in the mirror and connected to the person I'm looking at
Six since I've looked and felt confident about myself to begin with
And then one year since I've had my last relationship, and even longer than that since I've felt happy in one
Now, half of a year has gone by since I have even considered myself ready to try again
Within three months I had given up such a thought
Then a month went by where I had been feeling slightly better about myself
All it took was one week to bring me back down again
For the last three days the only thing I’ve felt was tired
Currently the last 24 hours I've been struggling to get out of bed.
It's only been 24 minutes since I’ve had my last breakdown in the shower,
So when you say it’s been a day
It has been a day for all of us
And I don't know if keeping it in has helped me at all
But I know that I don't need your melancholy
I have enough of my own