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Five Ways to Combat Writer's Block


By: Jess Amato

These times are super unprecedented, yet one thing that is super prominent now more than ever in many people is the dreaded writer’s block. Something that all writers face, writer’s block is such a struggle, especially when trying to perfect your piece of writing. Here are five tips to help get over the hump of writer’s block.

Step away from the computer

While this may seem counterintuitive, stepping away from writing can actually be super helpful. Going for walks, watching a movie or a couple episodes of a favorite show, or even just playing with your pet can truly help get those creative juices flowing.

Rereading a favorite book

Getting immersed into a world that reinforced your love of reading is so helpful for writer’s block. It is a reminder of why you love to read and write in the first place, bringing you back to the sense that your piece will be as masterful as one of your favorites. Personally, I love the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V. E. Schwab.

Stream of Consciousness Writing

Instead of getting frustrated and closing out of your work, open up a new tab and just write whatever comes to your mind, no editing whatsoever. While it might not be work towards your pieces, you are still writing and that counts for something in its own right.

Outline your work

While one may not be a fan of the outlining process (like myself) there is no doubt that it works for many writers. In outlining how you want your piece to be set up, you are able to go back and look over which parts fit where. Therefore, if you are stuck on one section within your writing piece, you have the opportunity to pick up writing within a different section if you so choose.

Block out time in your day for writing

Making sure that you have time to write within your day is so important. In carving out thirty minutes to an hour of time each day for your writing, you know it is something that you have to do. While some days you don’t feel inspired to work on your piece, that’s okay too. Using that time to work on research for your piece or working on the outline, that is still writing and counts towards working on your piece.


I hope that these tips help you the next time you are overcome by writer’s block!

- Jess A.

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